Thursday, June 18, 2009

NOW time frames - sounds pushy, doesn't it. Until you really need or want your horse to do something (like turn left) and horse says, "Um, I'm reading the last chapter of Black Beauty. Check with me later."
Unless horse understands the concept of when you say now you mean now, don't expect any great result for any task. You may have mediocre results or less than you like, but you're willing to accept it results, or darn, I wish my horse...    but until you do something about it, too bad.

Do your homework at home so it works a bit better when you're not at home. Put your horse in positions where you would like him to comply and see if he does. See HOW he does. Willingly, 15 times in a row. Or does he do it sort of once and then says, "I'm done with that."??? And are  you done with that?? Because he said so? Because you won't persist longer than he?

I heard a quote the other day from Joe Patino - I'm paraphrasing sort of but...   Most everyone has the will to win. Few have the will to prepare.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren: I got to the blog this afternoon and noted that Diana and I inspired you for a new blog topic. "Doing it now" is a concept that both of us need to work on. It was so interesting today watching you balance the encouragement process with "doing it now". I have that as my goal with Kit - being skillful enough to balance encouragement with "lellt's get on with it".
