Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It is hot here in AZ. But, that's a great time to check out whether or not your horse will move each hoof forward, backward, left or right and place it where you want or how you want. This is all relative, of course, to how well your riding goes, but in nice weather, people are more inclined to get on and go instead of getting better at the foundation of going.
Find yourself a spot on the fence under a tree or better yet a mister (water, not man) (of course I could be wrong about that last parenthesis). Of course, everyone has the new book, Curbside Service, and is eager to Curbside their horse. Break it down to the first step. Check your body for parts not in position. Ask yourself if you could do it better with less? Could you get more with less? More? I'm not making typos here. Can you keep successively doing more and getting a better response from your horse?

Toss a plastic lid on the ground about 6-8 feet from the fence you're still sitting on. A. I hope like heck your horse didn't spook when you tossed the lid. But, that's another writing.
B. Start with either front hoof. Doesn't matter just see if you can figure out how to get him to place one hoof on the lid. Remember, you have forward, backward, left, right, close, far, circling (half as you're on the fence). After you get good, pick a specific front hoof. After you get good, try the back feet, either one. After you get good, pick a specific back hoof. After you get good, do it without a halter or rope on horse.
Does your horse enjoy being hosed down in this heat. She does if she comes running when you turn on the hose and then presents all four sides and her butt for you to make sure you get all the parts!

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