Thursday, July 2, 2009

I so badly want people to enjoy their horses more, that it's sometimes hard for me to remember that I can't want it more for them than they want it for themselves. But, boy it's great to see when person and horse come together and get it and love it!
While most everyone says they enjoy their horse, it's just a lot more enjoyable when they don't do things like the opposite of what you ask, or threaten you, buck, whatever and a lot more enjoyable when you aren't afraid of these possibilities. And, a lot more enjoyable when they are willing to go with you. Do the things you're asking with a good eye and ear. Oooooo...softness, willingness, not bracing! Execution!

1 comment:

  1. People tell me it's too HOT to play with their horse! Yesterday was WATER DAY and I used the hose to spray down the horses and just have fun. They enjoyed it as much as I did!!
