Monday, December 21, 2009


Is there someone out there who likes riding a spooky horse? Anyone out there who likes sitting on a horse whose hair tingles under you and feels like a bomb ready to explode? Anyone out there who likes having a horse jump right on you because something to either side or behind or in front spooked him and your 12 square inches of real estate seems to be the best place for his 1100 pounds to be?
People... this will NOT take care of itself. If you don't tell horse that isn't how it's going to be from now on, it will not stay like this. It will get worse! And Worse!
If you take the time to re-train you and your horse to not spook, it will continue to get better. But, both of you must consistently challenge each brace and thought process in the beginning. And the beginning isn't a specific time frame. It's until it's good. Then it's a maintenance deal, but the more you maintain it, the less you have to.
Your approach to de-spook training is so important. If you approach it wrong, you will cause the horse to get more worried and more spooky. Ask someone if it's not working for you.

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